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Como ha destacado Leonardo Tarife o su obra nace de
Como ha destacado Leonardo Tarifeño, “su obra nace de un malestar con el mundo que se estetiza para revelarse, y en ningún caso para ocultarse o refinarse” (75). Este malestar, aunado al afán realista localizable en su trabajo produce una búsqueda de elementos para acercar al lector con diversas fa
El fuego como paradoja de la persistencia y del cambio
El fuego como paradoja de la persistencia y del cambio Penetrar la cosmología poética de José Emilio Pacheco supone enfrentarse purchase azidothymidine la paradoja entre la persistencia de la materia y su transformación. El signo global que fecunda la dinámica expresiva de la escritura en este caso
Seg n Auerbach la parataxis es un modo primitivo
Según Auerbach, la parataxis es un modo primitivo y anticlásico de narrar, típico de la Edad Media, que será sustituido gradualmente por maneras más modernas y finas de describir la realidad. No obstante, en fechas recientes ha vuelto selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ser practicada, por ejemp
br Disclosures br Acknowledgments This study
Disclosures Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Austrian National Science Fund (FWF), Grant # SFB-F4704. Introduction Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most frequent childhood malignancy. Extramedullary involvement of the kidneys is seen in around 7% when assessed by in
br Prognosis The management of
Prognosis The management of AML in the elderly patient presents a significant challenge for hematologists. Careful evaluation of both patient and disease is required in each individual case to make optimal management decisions, and maximize the benefit to the patient. Apart from the extremely old
br is a bacterial infection
is a bacterial infection causing necrotising lesions of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Widely known as Buruli ulcer, it is classified as a neglected tropical disease by WHO. If diagnosed and treated early, outcomes are good, but if left untreated it can progress to a severe disease resulting in hig
Notwithstanding issues of equity improvement of research cap
Notwithstanding issues of equity, improvement of research capacity in LMICs has practical benefits. People working and living in LMICs are better placed to define issues of importance to their populations than are people living thousands of miles away in HICs—who often fund research based on their o
br Case report A year old Japanese woman gravida was
Case report A 34-year-old Japanese woman, gravida 0, was admitted to the hospital for preterm labor at 24 weeks\' gestation. She was administered intravenous magnesium sulfate therapy for drug-induced liver injury caused by intravenous ritodrine hydrochloride. Five days later, the fetal heart rat
br Conflict of interest br Introduction Garrigue et
Conflict of interest Introduction Garrigue et al. reported that atrial overdrive pacing reduces the number of sleep EZ Cap Reagent AG episodes in pacemaker patients without heart failure [1]. However, this finding has not been replicated in subsequent investigations [2–5], although some meta-
The tumor microenvironment is enriched
The tumor microenvironment is enriched with EMVs that are derived not only by proliferating tumor cells, but also from infiltrating macrophages and neutrophils, and support tumor cell survival, growth, invasion and metastasis. Tumor derived EMVs also have the potential to modulate surrounding stroma
The diagnosis of vasovagal syncope is usually based on a
The diagnosis of vasovagal syncope is usually based on a combination of careful history taking, clinical examination, and a surface electrocardiogram to exclude cardiac and non-cardiac causes of syncope [3,4]. When the etiology of syncope is uncertain, head-up tilt-table testing (HUTT) is commonly u
hiv protease inhibitors The outcome of sinus node modificati
The outcome of sinus node modification with radiofrequency ablation has been reported, but it involves a high invasive risk associated with the ablation. Thus, careful confirmation of the earliest activation site and ablation of that site is important [2,3]. The clinical use of the 3D-mapping system
G nesis y antecedentes Juan Mar
Génesis y antecedentes Juan María Gutiérrez nace en Buenos Aires, meses previos RGDfK la Revolución de Mayo de 1810, donde las efemérides continentales marcan el inicio de la independencia del Río de la Plata y de casi todas las regiones dominadas por el imperio español. Es, por tanto, hijo del mov
neomycin sulfate Accumulating literature has showed MSCs and
Accumulating literature has showed MSCs and HSCs may be beneficial for CD patients. We searched all studies available to evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of stem neomycin sulfate in severe refractory CD. Located in bone marrow, HSCs can give rise to all blood cells and transplanted HSCs can re
One week after the CCRT she was
One week after the CCRT, she was brought to our emergency department due to fever, severe general weakness, and severe oral pain. Her Sicca syndrome-related xerostomia had worsened due to radiotherapy and was complicated with severe stomatitis, which made oral intake difficult. She took traditional
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